Williams E. Simon Fellowship for Noble Purpose

In order to qualify for graduate fellowships, applicants must engage in graduate studies for the purpose of teaching at the college level. Those attending pre-professional (medical, law) schools are ineligible. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and college seniors or graduate students. Applicants may apply for more than one fellowship, but an applicant may receive only one fellowship during their academic career.

The ISI Richard M. Weaver Fellowship pays tuition at the school attended by the recipient, a stipend of $5,000, and awards $1,000 in ISI Books.
The ISI Western Civilization Fellowship awards each recipient $20,000 for graduate work related to Western Civilization studies. Two of these graduate fellowships are awarded annually.
The ISI Salvatori Fellowship provides $10,000 to each awardee for graduate work related to the American Founding. Two of these graduate fellowships are awarded annually.
The ISI Bache Renshaw Fellowship awards each recipient $12,000 toward doctoral study in education that will influence the discipline with the ideas, values, and institutions that are fundamental to America’s Western tradition.
(These amounts may be subject to change; check with its official website).
